Grief Slut

Evelyn Berry's debut poetry collection, Grief Slut, is an examination of the queer lineage of pleasure, grief, and resilience in the American South. Berry offers a portrait of a girl living through boyhood and grappling with the violence of nostalgia in poems that blend high art, archival slivers, and Taco Bell. This collection invites us into a landscape home to sloppy kissers, swamp suitors, scrappy “limbwrecked boys,” and drag queens drenched in glitter sweat, where “each day is trespass” and queer youth fight to “hear one another breathe just a little while longer."

Poetry Chapbooks



Buggery is the winner of the 2020 BOOM Chapbook Contest with Bateau Press.

Buggery is a chapbook of poems about queer loneliness, shame, & liberation.

Buggery is a coming out.

Buggery contains poems about the messiness of pleasure, mothman, St. Sebastian, queer ANGER, cruising, sloppy blowjobs, sadness, and redneck wussys.


Glitter Husk

Glitter Husk is a community-publishing project exploring themes of grief, pleasure, & memory.

Glitter Husk is an elegy written in lipstick on a Waffle House napkin on your not-birthday.

Glitter Husk is desiccated cicada shell gilded with crystalline sugar.

Glitter Husk is your favorite artifact crazy-glued with craft adhesive.


Skinny Dipping with Strangers

Skinny Dipping with Strangers is an ever-updating chapbook of vulnerable poems. The first iteration, released in 2014, included heart-on-the-sleeve autobiographical poems about speech impediments, adolescent reckless activities, and coming to terms with young adulthood. Derek gets naked for the first time.

The second iteration arrived in 2017. A revised set of poems culled of cuss words & written for consumption by kids. Included a poem about Ke$ha & a few poems about Charleston.

currently OUT OF PRINT.